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ory update project

ory update project

Update Ory Network project service configuration


Updates your Ory Network project's service configuration. All values will be overwritten. To update individual settings use the patch command instead.

If the --name flag is not set, the project's name will not be changed.

The full configuration payload can be found at

As an example an input could look like:

"name": "my updated name",
"identity": {
"services": {
"config": {
"courier": {
"smtp": {
"from_name": "..."
// ...
ory update project [id] [flags]


$ ory update project ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89 \
--name \"my updated name\" \
--file /path/to/config.json \
--file /path/to/config.yml \
--file \
--file base64://<json>

ID ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89
SLUG good-wright-t7kzy3vugf
STATE running
NAME Example Project

$ ory update project ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89 \
--name \"my updated name\" \
--file /path/to/config.json \
--format json-pretty

"name": "my updated name",
"identity": {
"services": {
"config": {
"courier": {
"smtp": {
"from_name": "..."
// ...


  -f, --file strings       Configuration file(s) (file://config.json,, ...) to update the project
--format string Set the output format. One of table, json, yaml, json-pretty, jsonpath and jsonpointer. (default "default")
-h, --help help for project
-n, --name string The new name of the project.
--project string The project to use, either project ID or a (partial) slug.
-q, --quiet Be quiet with output printing.
--workspace string The workspace to use, either workspace ID or a (partial) name.
-y, --yes Confirm all dialogs with yes.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string   Path to the Ory Network configuration file.